Cutting lines

From savings to agility, replacing the traditional sheet metal format with a cutting line will bring numerous advantages to your manufacturing process

Multiblanking line

Cut to length line

Cut to length line

Multiblanking line

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Slitting line

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DD 07

Benefits of Cutting Lines

Ahorro en Materia PrimaMenor Espacio de AlmacenamientoMayor ProductividadCalidad de EnderezadoFlexibilidadAdaptabilidad

More savings, higher productivity, flexibility and straightening quality are some of the benefits of implementing a cutting line.

Savings in raw materials

The purchase of coil instead of format implies an average saving of 5% in the cost of raw material. We make the most of the coil length, thus wasting less material. This way, we will achieve a greater benefit for our final product.

Less Storage Space

The coils take up much less space than the traditional sheet metal format. They are comfortable to store, and their handling is agile and safe.

Higher productivity

A 1-ton 1-millimeter-thick coil is 850 meters long. With an Ekicontrol cutting line, we can cut 3-meter formats in less than an hour.

Straightening Quality

The quality of the straightening of our cutting lines accomplishes with the most demanding international standards.


The flexibility of having circular blades implemented in the straightener module allows adjusting the width and making all the coil cuts on the same machine.


We can adapt all kinds of reception tables to formats: scissor tables, fixed tables, tables of different lengths, interchangeable to adapt to your manufacturing needs.


Atención al Cliente

Te escuchamos

Te contestaremos en la mayor brevedad

Without Cutting Line

  • Request for formats of different standard length measures

  • Minimum purchase quantity 3000 kgs. (a normal truck can transport 20 tons in weight) therefore 6 packs of formats (1.926.000 mm total).

  • Quick storage on the ground to be able to continue unloading the truck and so on with each package of formats

  • Once the packs of formats have been stored, the strapping, the wooden pallet, plastic wrappings have to be removed and these have been paid for at sheet metal price

  • The sheets must be handled by operators and moved individually by at least 2 operators to the work table. A standard 1500x3000x0.8 mm sheet weighs approx. 28 kg

  • If they need to use a sheet of more than what they have in stock, for example 4500 mm. That piece has to be made of 3000+1500mm, or welded or not

  • The standard size formats will be stored for their next use, starting the process from the beginning

With Cutting Line

  • All the meters you need, without distinction of formats

  • Buying reels you can load 2 reels of 10 tons each (2.200.000 mm total)

  • Unload all the kilos at once with the crane

  • You take the coil directly to the warehouse

  • With the coil you use much less wood, wrapping and strapping

  • A single operator loads the coil on the loading trolley of the cutting line and starts it up to cut the pieces required and to the desired length

  • Directly from coil, you can cut to the desired length, without splices or waste

  • Coils will always be ready to be cut to the desired number and length for maximum coil yield

En EKICONTROL colaboramos con las empresas transfiriéndoles tecnología de vanguardia y aportándoles valor competitivo para su negocio

Implement a cutting line in your manufacturing process

And start enjoying the benefits of a cutting line
Request a Quote Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Se aconsejan hasta 3 cuchillas más como mucho, aunque hay clientes que han colocado hasta 5 más.

Captura de pantalla 2021 02 10 a las 18.11.26

Los enrolladores de retales sirven para enrollar el borde de la chapa que se ha saneado. Así facilita el enrollado para su posterior desecho.

Captura de pantalla 2021 02 10 a las 17.49.53

Entre otros, aluminio, galvanizado, prelacado e Inoxidable.


En la TWINCUT20 este proceso lo realiza el operario variando la penetración de los rodillos superiores de enderezado.

Captura de pantalla 2021 02 10 a las 17.31.26

Entramos dentro de los parámetros de la normativa europea.

IMG 8417

Sí, hasta un máximo de 1550 mm.

Captura de pantalla 2021 02 10 a las 17.57.14

Normalmente no, pero cuando se van procesar materiales más delicados, como el inoxidable, es necesario limpiar los rodillos. Esta limpieza la realiza el operario de manera manual como mantenimiento.

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Contact us
Jon Navarro Labaka

CEO Ekicontrol

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